Prospective students are advised to seek additional, independent sources of financing in order to cover the cost of graduate study smoothly.
- AAG Grants & Awards
- The Foundation Center
- T&L Online - Grants & Contests
- ASPRS Awards & Scholarships
- ACSM Scholarships
- Geospatial Information & Technology Association
- The Society for Conservation GIS Conference Scholarship Awards Program
- NSF Funding Opportunities and Awards
- Bay Area Automated Mapping Association
- Lower Platte North Natural Resources District
- Clark University Office of Research
- Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association
- Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program
- American Geological Institute
- The Imaging and Geospatial Information Society
- American Water Works Association
- Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
- Infoed International
- Collegenet.com- Search the database and apply directly for each scholarship
- Collegeboard.com
- Grantsandfunding.com: Government information services/education funding
- Mapping-your-future.org
- Student site for aid and scholarships: Embark.com - Choice of majors, careers, links to colleges, scholarship search
- Easi.ed.gov: Locate federal, state, and private sources of grants thorough links
- College search, inf. of financial aid, a chance to win $2000 scholarship
- Collegequest.com
- Freschinfo.com
- Money Magazines guide to making college affordable
- Apply for scholarships up to $1000
- Provides links and inf. about companies that give aid
- Collegeview.com Comparative college information
- Collegescholarships.com
- The Gates Millennium Scholars
- Database including thousands of private scholarships, grants, and fellowships
- Apply for student loans on line
- Scholarships for many ethnic groups and minorities
- Comprehensive program serving Black students in DC, Maryland, Virginia, and beyond
- Information from NASFAA about applying for grants and loans
- Financial aid from the United Negro College Fund
- Scholarship for Ohio residents only
- USDA NASS Graduate Scholarship Program: Several scholarships are being sponsored by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). This program is designed to recruit Asian Pacific Americans to work for USDA after completion of graduate course work in particular disciplines, and will be administered under the Student Career Experience Program (SCEP). Eligible Fields of Study: Mathematical Statistics, Survey Research or Cognitive Science, Geographic Information Systems/Remote Sensing.