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Asia Pacific Universities
Rank 5: HKUST Business School

Ask Our ConsultantFor students looking for a world-class full time MBA with focus on China business, HKUST is the right place to start! Within just one decade form its setup, HKUST has earned the reputation as a world-class institution.

Its achievements include:
  • First business school in Asia to be awarded dual accreditation by AACSB International in the US and EQUIS in Europe
  • World No. 11 and No. 1 MBA Program in Asia and Australasia, 2008,
  • Economist Intelligence Unit
    World No. 17 MBA program, 2008, Financial Times
What distinguishes it from other business schools in the region is the design of its curriculum which takes into account not only the knowledge domain necessary for today's managers in a global economy, but also the latest business know-how in the Asian context. It is one of the very few business schools in the world where all faculty members hold doctorate degrees. The school’s research in Accounting, Finance, and Economics has been ranked top in Asia Pacific.

Admissions Timetable
Admissions operate on phase basis with upcoming application deadlines as follows:
Phase Application Deadline Interview Notification Admission Results
1 Dec 15, 2009 Feb 15, 2010 Mar 15 , 2010
2 Mar 16, 2010 May 15, 2010 Jun 15 , 2010

We suggest international applicants to apply by the first deadline to allow sufficient time for Hong Kong student visa applications once they are admitted. Consideration on late applications will depend on availability of places.

Essay Topics
1. Please tell us your motivations to pursue an MBA program, and why is now the best timing to do one.*
(max 1200 characters, ~200 words)

2. Please elaborate on your career goals. How will your academic training, professional experience coupled with an MBA education at HKUST help you achieve your goals?*
(max 1200 characters, ~200 words)

3. If admitted, how can your participation at HKUST MBA enrich fellow students' experience inside or outside classroom?*
(max 1200 characters, ~200 words)

4. Please pick and answer ONE of the two topics in the space below.*
State either 4a or 4b at the beginning of your essay.

a.) Describe a situation where your initial attempt to solve a problem failed. Tell us how you get around to finally solve the problem.

b.) Describe a situation where you created opportunities for yourself and led to a favorite outcome.
(max 1800 characters, ~300 words)

5. Please pick and answer ONE of the two topics in the space below.*
State either 5a or 5b at the beginning of your essay.

a.) Tell us a situation when you experienced challenges in team setting, and what you have done to help the team achieve its goals.

b.) Describe a situation when you got frustrated over differences in culture or work style. What have you learnt from that experience?
(max 1800 characters, ~300 words)

6. What do you want the Admissions Committee to know about you as a person? *
(max 1200 characters, ~200 words)

Website: http://www.mba.ust.hk/ftmba/adm/application.html

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